Autoimmune Health

Table of Contents



Recommended Duration:

A) At Sehatvan(Forest Protocol) + B) Home Protocol
15 to 20 days3 to 4 weeks (1 to 2 follow-up visits/calls)

Fee Contribution:
(All inclusive of module fees, boarding and lodging)

Indian Participants:International Participants:
INR 40,000
USD 750


Module Video

About the Module

What are Auto-immune Issues?

Immune system is our body’s defense mechanism and its role is to take care of external and internal threats; thereby, it is designed and trained to handle invading pathogens at one hand, and hostile body cells (like cancer) at the other. Persons with weak immunity are prone to having infections, those with hyper-immunity having sensitivities; and therefore, a proper balancing and modulation is needed.

Perhaps, this module of forest therapy deals with another dimension of the immune issue – autoimmune diseases. Autoimmune diseases are the situation when immune system starts attacking body’s own functional cells thereby either altogether destroying the organ or altering its growth and functionality. There are over 100 autoimmune diseases existing, the most common among them are: Type 1 diabetes, Lupus, Rheumatoid arthritis, Multiple sclerosis, Psoriasis, Eczema, Vitiligo, Thyroidism, Ulcerative colitis, Alopecia areata etc. Allergy and Asthmas also have autoimmune connection. In a nutshell autoimmune diseases are like your own security guard attacking you.

We will discuss this module by first looking at the basics of immunity, and then considering the possible causes of autoimmunity, and thereafter moving to the proposed therapeutic protocol.


Considering the basics of the immunity first: immune system functions through mainly two tools – immune cells, such as T cells and natural killer cells, and a range of antigen specific antibodies. The task of immune system could primarily be divided in two parts – 1) surveillance, and 2) regulation. Surveillance is quite a challenging task whereby T cells check each and every cell (also cell components and products) in the body for its nationality and loyalty/goodness, anything foreign or having turned unfaithful is alerted for and handled accordingly. Autoimmune diseases mainly occur due to some problem in this surveillance – either the surveying cells having become mis-educated or the surveyed ones having altered in some way to look suspicious or harmful. Current approach to handle the situation is by administering immunosuppressive agents so that the whole immune system is kind of blinded or cornered. However, this cannot be the solutions, and it is for this reason why all autoimmune diseases are medically incurable.

In this module we attempt to 1) reverse the alterations in host cells and, 2) reeducate, reboot or modulate the immune system. The alteration in the host is usually caused by bound medicines, chemicals undesired metabolites or toxins and autophagic detox is a great way to getting rid of most of these alterations, and thereby, returning back to the pristine self. Autophagy also reboots and reeducates the immune system. Prior to autophagy a five days epigenetic balancing protocol helps in regulating the gene switching. Self-hatred and depression are also known to have linkage with autoimmunity, because when this - destroying to one self – keeps going in the mind for too long, the immunity starts obeying the signal.  


There is one more dimension to this, and that perhaps could be the most important cause of autoimmune issues – we are a bit too sanitized and our immune system doesn’t have enough engagement outside; hence, it turns more to inside, like army of a country having no external threat. Enhancing the external threat a little bit by enriching the microbiota, by cutting down on sanitization, and once in a while having minor injuries, bruises is likely to make the whole immune system more extrovert, and thereby, reduce its hyper inside focus. Tense borders boost national loyalty. Also, our microbiota is like our closest or internal forests and a rich forest has a balanced ecosystem. 



The protocol has 3 in-forest and 1 post-forest stages. It begins with acclimatization and epigenetic balancing and then moves to autophagic cleansing and immunity rebooting, followed by microbiota enhancing steps. 

Forest Protocol:

  1. Acclimatization and Epigenetic Balancing (5 days):
    Forest stay helps fine-tunes gene switching, and once gene-switching is fine-tuned most cell functions and antibody production become remarkably error-free. During this stage we also like people enhancing their connection with the nature; sanitization dramatically reduces our nature connection and most of us are actually over-sanitized. In this phase its recommended getting loose on hygiene – getting dirty, avoiding bathing, putting on unwashed clothes, and above all – not using any cleansing agent like soap, shampoo, hand wash etc. Lot of hard physical labor and sun exposure help reduce, self-hatred, if any. Cow-dung and mud are great antidepressant as well as probiotic.
  2. Autophagic Cleansing and Immunity Rebooting (5-10 days):
    Water only fast for 5 or more days dramatically cleanses body by detoxing. In this phase virtually all the build-up of the bound medicines, bound chemicals, undesired metabolites and toxins is cleared away, thereby body becoming pure and clean, and hence, autoimmunity is reduced. Longer fasts are rejuvenative in nature and lead to rebooting the immunity and formation of new stem cells. This way the immune system also gets optimized from within. However, in autophagy mode people carrying large toxicities may feel varied uncomfortable detox symptoms, and hence, this step should be taken-up under a supportive and pristine environment only. Medical supervision is compulsory for people on medication.     
  1. Microbiota Building (5 days):
    Strong microbiota is the strongest and the most lasting protection against all diseases in general and autoimmune diseases in particular. After gradual eating restoration body is actively exposed so as to enrich its microbiota on the skin as well as inside the intestine. This is achieved by using fermented food, drinking raw water and keeping sanitation to bare minimum.       


Subsequent to the forest components participants are given a tailor made home protocol, which primarily aims at living a non-sedentary, low-sanitization, low-toxicity lifestyle with probiotic nutrition for 3 to 4 weeks. All kinds of packaged food and drinks must be avoided during this phase as package food contains preservatives that destroy the intestinal microbiota.        


The protocol should be undertaken under medical supervision as people under medication may require dosage adjustments. Also, those carrying toxicities may experience detox symptoms like vomiting, diarrhea, skin rashes, body ache, fever etc during autophagy phase. Since Sehatvan is not a medical institution, we recommend people coming here keeping in touch with their doctor. The effectiveness of this protocol is not established in all autoimmune issue. Medical supervision is extremely must for people suffering from T1 diabetes and on insulin.


This protocol hasn’t been tested for all autoimmune situations and might remain ineffective in some. Also, protocol’s multiple administration may require with some people.

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