IQ-EQ Lab at Sehatvan
At Sehatvan we have been experimenting with Community, Nature and Autophagy (CNA) and discovered it tremendously helping people get situated in oneself; and hence, become swasth (sw+sthit), healthy or diseases-free.
'Being situated in oneself' is also an ultimate blissful spiritual state, and it boosts not only one's emotional and psychological well being, but also the neurological performance. To assess this more systematically we are setting up an IQ-EQ Lab at Sehatvan. This lab will focus on Intelligence and Emotional Quotients of individuals and develop methodologies to measure and optimize the quotients.
We are looking for energetic and ambitious collaborators to join us take this forward with following perspectives:
- Research Associates: Those who could design and carry out IQ-EQ experimentation. Persons having professional background in psychology or psychiatry shall be preferred.
- Research Interns: PG, doctoral or post-doctoral scholars who might like using this facility for their own experimentation.
- Facilitators & Volunteers: Those who could help us carry out day-to-day tasks at Sehatvan.
If this interests you, please write to us at indicating your profile, plans and remuneration needs.