DTO: Diabetes, Thyroid & Obesity

Table of Contents

T2 Diabetes, Thyroidism and Obesity are highly interlinked diseases involving lifestyle connected endocrine malfunctioning caused by sedentary living, high mental indulgences, high carbohydrate and low fat diet, and epigenetic imbalances. Thyroidism has a connection with iodine too; earlier most hypothyroidism cases occurred due to iodine deficiency and now most are being caused by iodine excess.


Recommended Duration:

A) At Sehatvan(Forest Protocol) + B) Home Protocol
15 to 20 days3 to 4 weeks (1 to 2 follow-up visits/calls)

Fee Contribution:
(All inclusive of module fees, boarding and lodging)

Indian Participants:International Participants:
INR 40,000
USD 600

Module Video

About the Module

What is T2 Diabetes, Thyroidism and Obesity?

T2 Diabetes, Thyroidism and Obesity are highly interlinked diseases involving lifestyle connected endocrine malfunctioning caused by sedentary living, high mental indulgences, high carbohydrate and low fat diet, and epigenetic imbalances. Thyroidism has a connection with iodine too; earlier most hypothyroidism cases occurred due to iodine deficiency and now most are being caused by iodine excess.

Lifestyle factors leading to obesity often cause insulin-resistance, which leads to over production insulin or hyper-insulinemia, which then further enhances obesity; and hence, a person suffering from obesity is often trapped in this cycle of insulin-resistance and hyper-insulinemia. In most cases this also precipitates in the form of glucose intolerance or T2 diabetes. In small number of people lifestyle factors and epigenetic imbalance cause T2 diabetes without involving obesity.


At Sehatvan we have almost always been successful in helping people come out of the DTO trap and live a medicine-free healthy life.


Protocol developed at Sehatvan involves a 10-20 day long forest component and 3-4 week long supplementary home component.


Forest protocol is comprised of 3 steps: 

  1. Epigenetic balancing (5 days):
    Our body’s structure and functionality is encoded in our genes or DNA. Over and above this encoding, there exists a switching mechanism which controls the expression of each gene. This switching machine is known as epigenome and is responsive to lifestyle factors and the environment we live in. This mechanism is hundreds or thousands or millions of years old and still tuned to the wild setting and living that existed for most part of human history excepting the past few decades of rapid modernization. Hence, going back to the wild and hunter gatherer kind of living quickly reboots the epigenome and fine tunes our genetic expressions. At Sehatvan this is achieved by:
  2. Avoiding all mental stimulations and indulgences including Tea/ Coffee, Newspapaer, Phone, Books, Music, Non-essential conversations, Yoga & Meditation
  3. Soaking in with Sun, Soil and Space in a wild setting and doing a lot of hard physical labor
  1. Autophagic Cleansing and Rejuvenation (5-10 days):
    Authophagy is a surprising biological tool that can lead to super cleansing of body and mind followed by their rejuvenation. Since this involves detox, persons may experience vivid symptoms ranging from fever to diarrhea or vomiting to skin rashes depending upon the toxicities stored in them, and hence, autophagy should never be attempted in a city like toxic or non-supportive environment. This should be treated as a major intervention in one’s life and taken only in a pristine and supportive environment. At Sehatvan we recommend water only fasting and mild physical labor during this phase.       
  1. Re-strengthening (5 days):
    Rushing back to the food and toxic environment immediately after the autophagy phase is a horrible idea. It should be stepped-in in a gradual manner; and hence, one must spend a few more days in a supportive and a pristine environment before moving back to the city. This is a called re-strengthening phase, and under this people return back to a healthy diet in a gradual manner. Also, physical activities are enhanced from mild to moderate to make-up for any muscle loss.   


Ultimately people got to live in cities as neither forest can afford internalizing many people, nor most people can afford living in a forest; hence, how-so-ever toxic they may be, cities are the realities. Following a non-sedentary, low-toxicity lifestyle for next 3-4 weeks further boosts the reversal of DTO.      
Returning back to eating and enhancing physical labor from mild to moderate.

  • Non-sedentary and non-toxic living


At home, protocol should be undertaken only under medical supervision as people under medication require continuous dosage adjustments. Also, those carrying toxicities may experience detox symptoms like vomiting, diarrhea, skin rashes, body ache, fever etc during autophagy phase.  


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