Sehatvan Family Module 

A customized fitness-at-home module for your family.
Facilitated by Dr. Gupta & Sehatvan Team. 

Duration: 4 weeks
Medium: Online
Language: English or Hindi

This module will help you to create a family culture of health and fitness. The practices will help you to de-stress, rejuvenate your living and reverse lifestyle diseases.


MembersFor IndiansFor Internationals
2-4INR 30,000USD 500
5-8INR 45,000USD 750

Dates: Choose your own date to begin. (subject to availability)

Go to Bookings

Possible Objectives:

  • Weight Loss
  • Thyroid-ism
  • Diabetes
  • BP & Heart
  • Emotional Health
  • Auto-immune issues
  • Digestion
  • Body Pains
  • Sleep Improvement
  • Stamina Building
  • Others

About the Module:

Credits: Shane by Unsplash



What outcomes can I expect?
  • Family culture of health and fitness
  • Regulate Blood Glucose, Blood Pressure, Body Weight & Hypothyroidism.
  • Reduce Pains and Laziness
  • Enhance Sleep Quality, Focus & Stamina
  • Build long-lasting healthy habits
  • Digital Detox
  • How to track your health?
  • How to communicate health parameters?
  • Emotional Fitness
Who can do it?
This program is suitable for healthy people as well as those suffering from diseases. Healthy people can benefit by increasing their stamina and health-span while people suffering from ailments can regulate their diseases. However, people with critical condition(those who require regular hospital attention) cannot do this program.
What will I get?
  • 4-week personalized health protocol
  • Weekly one-on-one session
  • Subject videos every week
  • Daily tracking form
  • Whatsapp voice support by Sehatvan Team
  • Daily schedule
  • Food planning support
  • Innovative and Local Solutions


About Dr. Vipin Gupta
A drug discovery scientist, he spent over two decades developing new medicines for various pharma companies in India, Europe and America. In 2011 he was invited by The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences at Nobel Museum, Stockholm to represent Southeast Asia. He co-founded a research publishing company ‘Inventi’ in 2010 and a self-healing space ‘Sehatvan’ in 2016.


‘Sahaj Sehat’ series carries the viewpoints of how body’s auto-repair capabilities can make use of medicines redundant in lifestyle diseases.

What will I need?

At Sehatvan we believe in principle of essentialism and self-care.

Time: You will need some flexibility to adjust your current schedule and upto 2-3 hours everyday to engage in your health. This would mostly be spent in preparing food, mood or body.

Technology: We are flooded with screen time and technology in our lives. In this process, we will use essential technology to facilitate us but avoid any distraction. You would need access to email, a web browser(pc/phone) and occasionally record some photos and videos.

Food & Equipment: We do not use any fancy supplements, gym equipment or exotic foods in our process. We will try to customize you diet based on what is locally available in your area.

How to Join

The Process
  1. Read the website and FAQs
  2. Fill the registration form and wait for approval – click here
  3. On approval, you will receive a payment link by email
  4. Make the payment to confirm your participation
What not to expect?
Reversing diseases completely
Dr. Gupta is not a medical doctor and this is not a medical program. Through this program you will be researching on your own health and fitness. For any medical need you will continue seeking advice through your physician. you will need to waive Sehatvan, Dr. Gupta and the team from any legal or medical liability.


Am I dealing with an app or human?
There is no app. All humans on this side. We will be using essential technology. The goal is to only use what is necessary. There is no app on this side and we do not track or sell of any data. We personally read and respond to every message.

Will I have 24/7 call support?
It is not required in our process. Also, we wish everyone to use as less phones as possible. We would expect you to do daily reporting via online forms. We will send our recommendations via email/video.
This is an online course, shouldn’t it be free?
Our research is available as videos for free viewing. You can consult that and do your 
own experiments. Right now, it’s available on YouTube at
Is this a medical institution?
No, this is not a medical institution. It is a self-healing community space (ashram) to improve health, fitness and biological age.
Is Dr. Vipin Gupta a medical doctor?
No, Dr. Vipin Gupta is not a medical doctor. He is a M.Pharm, Ph.D., a Drug Discovery Scientist, and has researched in Europe and America, apart from India.

Registration Form

Please fill the following details.






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